Monday, July 19, 2004

SC - Mails

 Nearly all mail that is correctly addressed arrives at its destination within two business days of being sent. In fact, correctly addressed mail takes longer than this only when it is damaged in transit. Overall, however, most mail arrives three business days or more after being sent.
If the statements above are true, which one of the following must be true?
A) A large proportion of the mail that is correctly addressed is damaged in transit.
B) No incorrectly addressed mail arrives within two business days of being sent.
C) Most mail that arrives within two business days of being sent is correctly addressed.
D) A large proportion of mail is incorrectly addressed.
E) More mail arrives within two business days of being sent than arrives between two and three business days after being sent.
The first time I had taken this question, I applied a good amount of logic to it and got it right. But not the next time.
Ans is


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